Monday, July 19, 2010

The First Annual Mommy Blogger Dinner Challenge with Swanson!

In 2010, Swanson Chicken launched a larger sized can of chicken at about the same price of its predecessor.  In order to ‘get the word’ out about the value, convenience and the ease of use a can of chicken can offer busy moms, Swanson created the first Mommy Blogger Dinner Challenge!
Earlier this summer, we selected five popular mommy bloggers to compete in a recipe challenge.  The challenge was to take $10.00 and a can of 12.5 oz. Swanson Chicken and create a healthy and delicious meal for their family. Today, I would like to introduce you to the competitors and share their yummy creations! 
·      Mommy? I’m Hungry!  Rachelle is a mom from San Diego who loves to share family favorite recipes, both old and new along with product reviews & giveaways. Her recipe entry is Tex Mex Swanson Chicken Wraps!
·      JDaniels4 Mom  Deirdre was a teacher and educational technology trainer for twenty years.  Her blog shares her reflections and resources for moms, product reviews and great giveaways.  Her recipe entry is a Fruitful Chicken Salad.
·      Doughmesstic  Susan is a wife and stay at home new mom who blogs about the trials and tribulations of learning how to become a cook, a wonderful wife and a great mother.  Her entry is a Tart Apple Salsa and Chicken Po’Boy
·      Picky Palate Jenny is the “on the go” stay at home mom with two little boys with picky little palates.  She is a wife to her high school sweetie of 12 years, and a retired (for now) dental hygienist.  Her entry is BBQ Chicken Pizza Soup
·      Little Nummies  Kellie is a wife and mother of three little girls.  She is a stay at home mom with a jewelry business.  Her entry is BBQ Chicken Quesadillas.

I hope everyone enjoys all the wonderful and yummy recipes created by our mommy bloggers.  Best of luck to all mommies!

Best, and until next time, Kaitlin!